Getting Started with Smoking Cessation

We all know that smoking is bad for us and can cause long term, even fatal health problems. But quitting smoking can be one of the hardest things to do, especially when you don’t have the proper care and support behind you. Fighting withdrawal symptoms and your own daily habits can be an uphill battle when trying to quit. Choosing the right smoking cessation program can help you find the proper support and care you need to kick smoking to the curb for good.


What is Smoking Cessation?

Smoking cessation, put simply, is to quit smoking. Smoking cessation lowers the risk of cancer and other serious health problems that come with smoking. Counseling, behavior therapy, medicines, and products that contain nicotine such as patches, lozenges, gum, and nasal sprays are all part of smoking cessation programs that can help you quit smoking and using other nicotine products.

Smoking cessation can be difficult due to physical and psychological dependence, because both the habit and the nicotine addiction are hard to break. You might be able to quit cold turkey, but most likely you will have some immediate withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, insomnia, agitation, and even weight gain and depression. Since everyone has a different relationship with smoking, the time it takes to quit will vary, but for most people the first few weeks are the hardest. However, the long-term benefits will be paramount to your overall health and well-being.

The Center for Vascular Care at HCA offers a nicotine cessation program to help you quit smoking or any product that contains nicotine such as chewing tobacco, vape pens, pipe tobacco, cigars and wet and dry snuff. 


Reasons to Quit Smoking

Apart from benefiting your overall health and wellbeing, there are many reasons to quit smoking.

  • Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in the U.S.
  • You want to do it for your quality of life and health and for your loved ones.
  • You want to reduce the constant stress of nicotine addiction.
  • You want to reduce your risk of cancer.
  • You want to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, especially peripheral arterial disease (PAD). While PAD might start mildly with no symptoms or slight leg pain when walking, it starves the toes, feet, and legs of oxygen, which can lead to gangrene and amputation if not treated.
  • You want to reduce the risk of stroke, dementia, arthritis, and a weakened immune system.
  • You want to ease the financial burden that buying nicotine products has on your quality of life.


Be a Quitter

If you are ready to quit smoking or using other nicotine products, The Center for Vascular Care is here to help. We can educate you on the proper medications and provide the support you need on your smoking cessation journey. In our program, we provide:

  • Information on what to expect during withdrawal
  • Close monitoring of your progress with continual follow-up
  • Medication to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms 

It is possible to quit smoking and using nicotine products. Visit The Center for Vascular Care at HCA to start your nicotine cessation program today.


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